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Living in Belgium with Kids: A Guide for Expatriate Families

Moving abroad with a family is a significant decision, and when the destination is Belgium, there are unique aspects that families, especially those from Brazil, need to consider. This post offers valuable insights from Rodrigo Sereno, a Brazilian father who has settled in Belgium with his son, providing essential tips for those planning to make this European country their new home.

Children’s Activities in Belgium: A Fun Paradise

Belgium shines with an abundance and variety of activities for children. From interactive museums and amusement parks to extensive green areas and playgrounds in every neighborhood, the country is a haven where entertainment for kids is always abundant. This wealth of options reflects the quality of Belgian public spaces, which are well-maintained and safe, despite the high cost of living.

Efficient, Yet Distant, Healthcare System

The Belgian healthcare system is effective and provides good care, but many Brazilian expatriates notice a certain lack of warmth in the treatment by health professionals. This cultural shock is balanced by medical competence, ensuring that quality care is maintained.

Cultural Shock: Between Privacy and Security

Belgian culture poses specific challenges for expatriates:

- Privacy: Social integration can be slow, as Belgians value their privacy and established social circles.

- Security: The perceived safety allows children more autonomy, something that may require adaptation by Brazilian parents.

- Self-discipline: The expectation of behavior in public spaces includes a high degree of self-discipline and respect for silence, which can be a shift for families accustomed to a more effusive culture.

Adaptation Strategies for Expatriate Families

Adapting to life in Belgium requires time, patience, and openness to new experiences. The key to a smooth transition is to leverage the numerous activities available for children, prepare for an efficient but impersonal healthcare system, and understand the cultural nuances that define social life in Belgium.


Living in Belgium as an expatriate family offers a rich and diverse experience, full of learning and growth opportunities. While there are challenges, proper preparation and adaptation can transform these difficulties into an enriching adventure for the entire family.

Watch Rodrigo's Episode and Explore More Resources

Don't miss "Parenting Abroad: A Brazilian Dad’s Experiences in Belgium" where Rodrigo Sereno shares more about settling in Belgium, how his son adjusted to the language and new culture, and the cultural differences in raising a child in Belgium. Also, explore our "10 Creative Ways to Stay Connected with Home While Living Abroad" for tips from mail packages to virtual tours of attractions. Additionally, check out our children’s book recommendations, including "My Faraway Grandparents" by Lucina Gomide, which celebrates the enduring bonds between grandchildren and their grandparents, despite physical distance.